In the treatment group, administered with traditional Chinese medicine combined with western medicine according to their different amounts of hormone at different phases. Only western medicine in control group. Then, their clinical complete remission rates, recurrence rate and adverse drug reactions effectively. 治疗组以中西医结合(即根据激素应用的不同阶段加用中药)治疗,对照组以单纯西药(激素强的松口服)治疗,观察临床缓解率、复发率和不良反应率。
To establish alarm system means to monitor exchange risks in order to determine if there should be an index to be administered. This index can be divided into changes in exchange rates, risk exposure and principles for decision making. 建立预警体系,是指监视外汇风险决定管理与否之指标,可分为汇率变动、风险暴露及决策准则三项指标。